Friday 6 November 2015

Chris Cairns defence concludes in perjury trial

After 3 days of evidence at London's  Southwark crown court,former New Zealand all rounder Chris Cairns defence at his perjury trail closed their case on Friday. His legal team then gave way for defence lawyers representing Cairn's co-defendant, Andrew Fitch Holland.

At the very first day in the witness box, there were a lot of tears inside the eye of the Chris Cairns when he discussed about his family , currently living in Australia. He could not control his sentiments and reduced to tears when he faced detailed cross-examination.

This case has been proved to be quiet famous as it is directly related to match fixing scandals of New Zealand.

Cairns himself gave evidence about his clearance over two days and on Thursday, Cairn's Australian wife, Mel Cairns was a witness via video link directly from Canberra. She denied the fact that she had ever heard his husband discussing any type of stuff related with the match fixing. 

"I will never lie in a court of law to save or help my husband", she said when she was accused of lying during the present trail and in his 2012 libel action with former senior Indian cricket administrator Lalit Modi. She denied the fact that her husband might be involved in any type of match fixing in any era and said that her husband should be given a clean chit as far as this case is concerned.

A former New Zealand cricketer, Chris Harris had previously given an evidence about a conversation in an exhibition between Chris Cairns's friend Fitch Holland , who is a barrister also and the group of Harris. According to Harris, Fitch Holland came up to him and a group of others . Some one from the group asked about the match fixing discussion about the Cairn, Mr. Fitch replied"oh, he is guilty,Cairns is guilty". However on Friday, Fitch told the court that he was drunk at that time and did not remember the conversation.

Fitch-Holland also explained that scene to the court when Chris Cairns called him after the famous tweet from  Lalit Modi, a former senior Indian cricket administrator  about the involvement of the Chris Cairns in the match fixing .Fitch told the court "My mobile phone rang and it was Chris, freaking out". Chris said - you won't believe it. Modi has f***d me.I am done. He has tweeted i am involved in match fixing."

Fitch-Holland will face cross examination when the trail resumes on Monday.

The main evidence against the Fitch -Holland is a recording of a Skype conversation between him and an another ex-New Zealand cricketer Lou Vincent, who has already admitted his  involvement in the match and spot fixing .In this recording, Fitch is requesting Vincent to provide a statement for the libel case. However, Fitch Holland told the case that he had not asked Vincent to give any type of statement for any case.

Fitch is now facing a charge of perverting the court of justice by trying to get Vincent a false statement and Cairns is facing a charge of perjury.

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