Tuesday 3 November 2015

If BCCI does not, DDCA should organize a farewell match for me: Virendra Sehwag

Today, Virendra Sehwag said the sadness of being deprived of a farewell game will always     remain in his mind. Talking about the conversation between selectors and him, Sehwag mentioned that "  They told me that hey are going to keep me out from the team. I requested them to allow me a game at Delhi  and after that let me declare the end of my career, but they did not give me a chance to say good bye to my career at my home ground".

Virendra further added "It will be always in my mind that they did not allow me to retire at my home ground. Even though it is a part of the life of a player, but as soon as a player is out of the team, he starts to think about the next step of his career."

Sehwag said to organize a farewell match as a last match of his career and requested  that if BCCI does not go for it, then DDCA should organize it.Its not only about me, each and every player who  retires, must get a farewell match as the last match of his career.

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